Many towns and cities have written sustainability guidelines. Save them here for the community - just click Reply and then Upload.
City of Columbus Green Events Guide
Lambeth Council, London - Green Events Guide.
Lambeth Council is committed to managing and running events sustainably. In January 2019, the council declared a climate emergency and committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. Lambeth Council’s operations will become carbon neutral by 2030. This means that we want to minimise the negative externalities of all our small, medium, large and major events in Lambeth Parks and Open Spaces, as well as Public Highways and Council Buildings. This guide highlights the practical steps that managers and organisers should take to minimise the environmental impact of their events.
Lambeth-Green-Events-Guide-2019.pdf (800.8 KB)
Manchester Council UK - Sustainable Events Guides.
Manchester Sustainable_Events_Guide_Food.pdf (3.0 MB) Manchester Sustainable_Events_Guide_Indoor.pdf (2.9 MB) Manchester Sustainable_Events_Guide_Production.pdf (3.9 MB) Manchester Sustainable_Events_Guide_Small_Outdoor.pdf (3.4 MB)
Sustainability Guidelines for the Singapore MICE Industry
The guidelines have been developed for organisations in the Singapore MICE (meetings, incentive travel, conferences and exhibitions) industry, and will benefit all sales, operations and marketing individuals involved in planning meetings and events.
They are intended as a tool to help both planners and suppliers integrate sustainable practices within an organisation’s operations and regular event plans. Through these guidelines you will gain a better understanding about environmental, social and economic sustainability issues and their implication on the events you organise.
Seven guidelines have been developed, and offer guidance for Basic and Intermediate sustainable performance. Whether you have already taken steps to integrate sustainability into your event or in another part of the business or you are at the start of your sustainability journey, these guidelines are designed to help and inspire you to take action for your events and businesses.
University of Exeter Sustainable Events Guide 2018
The University of Exeter is committed to taking a progressive approach and implementing solutions to ensure that the sustainability is always at the core of what we do. Through our sustainability policy we aim to integrate environmental principles into our operations at every opportunity. This guide offers help to event organisers to plan successful sustainable events, and help to contribute to the University’s overall policy by:
- Using environmental research expertise to inform campus operations
- Developing collaborative relationships for knowledge share and influence
- Support managers and employees to make local changes
- Reduce environmental impact by conserving and making the most of resources
- Promote sustainable waste management in line with the waste hierarchy
Sustainable_Event_Guide.pdf (1.9 MB)
University of Auckland Sustainable Events Guide
As sustainability becomes more and more embedded in our every day practices, event owners and managers across the University can use this guide and the accompanying checklist to support sustainability actions.
Following the principles of the University’s Sustainability Policy, this document is based on best practice outlined in ISO 20121 Standard for Event Sustainability Management Systems and considers the diversity of events and stakeholders within our University.
Zero Waste Scotland Sustainable Events Guide
Organising an event, be it a small meeting or a major festival, can be a complex and time
consuming activity. Extensive guidance exists on how to manage the social and economic impacts of
events, but guidance on how to manage the environmental impacts is less readily available.
This Guide provides practical advice for Scottish businesses, organisations and individuals to ensure their events are planned and undertaken in an environmentally sustainable manner. It offers ideas
to reduce the environmental impact of an event that are not costly financially or in terms of time and resources. It outlines a broad series of measures applicable to a wide range of organisations. Anyone
organising, hosting or attending an event in Scotland will benefit from the advice given.
Bristol green event guides for outdoor events & festivals
As part of Bristol European Green Capital 2015, a citywide sustainable event strategy has been developed to support festivals and events; helping them to manage their operations with reduced environmental impact and helping the city to become more sustainable.
Bristol-2015-EVENT-GUIDE_Outdoor-Events-and-Festivals.pdf (1.5 MB)
Manchester Council - Major Outdoor events
Copenhagen sustainability guide
Visit Britain sustainable events guide