Honest answer, not yet as the job market is still in the gutter.
Most agencies will be looking at getting their furloughed staff back in/trained etc. before they look external due to cost and time to hire plus on-boarding.
It will be a question whilst we’re in this mess, however, I guarantee in 18 months virtual/offline will look a lot different that what we see now anyway.
At the moment the virtual events we’re seeing are just stuffing a live event strategy online as a necessity rather than a bespoke production etc.
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We’ve seen some companies offering “Digital Event Diplomas” and similar. Do you think these are not worth it then, in terms of demonstrating virtual event skills?
mmm, these are usually the same type of companies who offered bitcoin/GDPR/BREXIT training packages so be careful.
cynicism aside, yes of course it’s always good to learn new things, however by the time you’ve qualified the need won’t be as much, but it will look good on your CV though.
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The bigger agencies have some good schemes where you paid what’s due, however, most of the others are cheap labour projects
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That’s a wrap folks! Thank you for your questions and thank you Robert for hosting this Ask Me Anything session.
If you have any more questions for Robert, you can contact him on here @RobertKenward or below.
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We’ll see you at 4pm UK time next week, 9th June 2020, for our next Ask Me Anything!
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