I design sustainable websites. AMA

hehe, great question! Perhaps invert the colours, using a dark background. That would be an easy win. Beyond that, you aren’t using many images so it depends on the technology behind it, but darker colours could be a good start.

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Thanks Tom, definitely things in that list I hadn’t considered!

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I am considering using WordPress multisite more, to spare on WP installations and updates.
Have you experimented with that?

(Sorry for the WP question! ;-))

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Yes, we use multisite a lot. It is hard to quantify the efficiency, but having a single WordPress installation makes sense if the sites are similar, and also trying to use the same plugins on each sub-site means that they are only installed once.


Cool! :slight_smile:

Hi Tom,

I have been a fly on the wall in this conversation but wanted to say a massive thank you for your time, you have made some super interesting points around web sustainability. I have come from a live events background so very fascinated to learn more about this topic within the digital world. Thank you!



Thanks Hannah, that’s lovely to hear :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes agree with that sentiment. Thanks Tom! Much appreciated!


A big thanks, Tom, keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

With that, we are out of time I’m afraid! Thank you for your questions and thank you to Tom for hosting this Ask Me Anything session, some fascinating answers!

If you have any more questions for Tom, you can contact him on here @tpgreenwood or send a message through the contact form on the Wholegrain Digital website, addressing it to Tom.

Whilst you are here, do take a look around the forum and contribute to some of the other conversations. And join us again next week for our Ask Me Anything Session, on Tuesday 30th June at 4pm. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much everyone!


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