New to the Green Room? Welcome to the community! We know that posting in a new community can be pretty daunting but we do love to hear from every one of our members – even if you just say hi - so please do introduce yourself here by clicking ‘Reply’ and telling us:
What you do (please don’t pitch or sell!)
Where you come from
What you’re working on
What challenges you have related to sustainable events (we can probably help!)
Cheers and welcome!
Abena | Legacy Team
What you do: Founder of Totem Sustainability (Consulting) and Impactory (Sustainability Software)
Where you come from: Born in London, grew up in Ipswich, lived in America and Canada, now in Hertfordshire UK… for now.
What you’re working on: Raising funding for Impactory
What challenges you have related to sustainable events (we can probably help!): Time: while sustainability is evidently important to organisers it often gets left till last, by which time much of the services and vendors have been procured. Getting ahead of the planning would be amazing. How do you deal with this?
[quote=“LegacyTheTeam, post:1, topic:19”]
What you do (please don’t pitch or sell!) Hello I am Karen and the founder of Absolute Alchemy. I put on events that make a difference and create positive social change.
Where you come from: I spent most of my life in London and I currently live in Brighton and Hove
What you’re working on: This year I am focusing on the promoting diverse founders and most of my events are around these subjects. I am partnering with 2 organisations - MSDUK and Hatch. Both are promoting and supporting diverse founders into the supply chain. Sustainability is high on the agenda
What challenges you have related to sustainable events (we can probably help!)
[/quote] - making sure that my partners put sustainability and the environment high enough on the agenda. And encouraging people to change mindsets
Hi, I’m Robin of Red Kite Management Consulting.
We (mostly I) do strategy, marketing and change consulting, mostly for business but fairly often for public sector or charitable organisations. So I am sometimes organising events for my clients from smallish workshops to large conferences.
My background includes a strong environmental streak (e.g. I was an Exec Director at Natural England for 2 years) and I work on environmental issues/organisations whenever I have the chance. I’m currently helping a county council with transport strategy and a water company with environmental markets to reduce river pollution.
My next event challenges are all around how to run a business that is normally very personal when no one is meeting each other!
Hi, my name is Andrea and I’m an event manager with over 15 years experience. I have always been passionate about sustainability and want to incorporate this now more in events as I think it is more necessary than every before. I also live a sustainable life as much as I can and I’m vegan.
Looking forward to connecting with more people who have the same ideas and are passionate about making our world a greener and sustainable place for us to live in. 
Welcome to the forum Andrea! What type of events have you worked on previously?
Hi Robin, welcome! I think we are all struggling with how to maintain that human connection? Do you usually go to many events?
Hi Karen, welcome to the forum! That’s great to hear that sustainability is high on the agenda for MSDUK and Hatch. Social sustainability is so important - could you share some of your work on this?
Thank you very much for the warm welcome @LegacyTheTeam 
I have worked for agencies and also in-house for large corporate companies. During my career I have organised anything from a small C-suite boardrooms to large conferences for 500+, gala dinners and award ceremonies as well as exhibitions and congresses.
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I am Paula, one of the founders of, a media platform which promotes conscious living. We create content online, curate a directory of more than 160 conscious brands across 13 countries in fashion, beauty, lifestyle and food. We also organise Conscious Festivals gathering 4000 attendees featuring talks, a marketplace, vegan eats and music.
This year, we were supposed to launch in London but due to the covid-19, we are going online with our 1st Virtual Conscious Festival on June 12-14th.
Our challenges when we organise our Conscious Festivals:
- Copping with the local authorities measures in hygiene and security which sometimes do not make sense sustainability wise
- Aligning with current recycling systems which sometimes are not even existant in the country
I will be available to discuss with you all tomorrow 4pm on the green room! Cannot wait to meet you all!
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What you do (please don’t pitch or sell!)
I am owner of a new event planning business: DellaMarie Corporate & Social Events
Where you come from
I am in the USA- DC Maryland Virginia area
What you’re working on
Starting my sustainable event planning business with a focus on Corporate events, and learning the industry and about sustainability
What challenges you have related to sustainable events
I am new to this so I have a huge learning curb and no clients as of yet
Hi Della Marie,
Welcome to the Green Room! Exciting that you are starting a sustainable event planning business! Have you come across any good resources so far?
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Thank you! Honestly, I have a case of information overload! I have connected with The Sustainable Event Alliance, but that’s about it.
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There is such a lot to take on! If you do come across anything interesting please do share in the Data and Statistics section.
Have you noticed that we are running Ask Me Anything sessions on Tuesdays? If you let us know what you are interested in, then we can find someone to host a session to answer questions on that issue.
Hello all,
What do you do: I am Danni and I have a small boutique events company based in the South of France. I freelance for lots of UK based companies on corporate gigs but also organise destination weddings along the French Riviera.
Where are you from: I am originally from the UK but have lived and worked in France for over 9 years now.
What you are working on: Im currently working on my own sustainability charter to encourage my private and corporate clients to make more planet friendly decisions and trying to set up a network of sustainable suppliers here in the South of France.
My main challenges are that sustainable options can often be more expensive which is hard for budget conscious clients. Ive also found as mentioned above that by the time sustainability is thought of, most suppliers are already on board!
Looking forward to being part of the community.
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